Earn while you learn is the new buzz. Every student wants to know what it is like to work in a corporate job and get paid. There is no harm in financing your studies while getting a taste of a corporate job. Looking for a part-time paid job that pays you along the way is the need of the hour. Online part-time jobs for students without investment are an escape for students who want to go for higher studies but are pulled back because of their financial background.
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What are online part-time jobs for students?
Online part-time jobs for students without investment are a ray of hope for those who want to earn while they learn. A student’s life revolves around education. Learning, imbibing knowledge, understanding, exploring goes hand in hand with students. Practical learning is infused in the initial stage will help students to excel in the future. These online part-time jobs for students without investment if opted for at an early age, will not only help the students strengthen their financial position, but will also help the students to grab high-paid jobs with big companies. Practical learning leaves you with lifetime experience with lifetime takeaways. Online part-time jobs for students without investment mean students would earn money by taking up part-time flexible jobs through online mode. Students end up earning money while performing part-time jobs mostly in a remote or work-from-home situation. Post pandemic breakout, online part-time jobs for students without investment have gained popularity as almost 90% of the workforce is currently working from home, connected through the internet across the globe.
Relevance of online jobs?
In today’s world, the educational system needs a change and makeover. It is high time that our educational system is reengineered and aligned to job opportunities available in the global market. Types of jobs available should comprehend with the type of skill sets nurtured within students. The gap between Job demand and employee supply should be minimum so that a maximum number of students are hired. Thus, online part-time jobs for students without investment are a great way to inculcate the practical learnings within students and help them get the reality check and be prepared for the corporate world. Paid internships are also typed of Online part-time jobs for students without investment to help them get corporate job exposure, train them for a job and improve their skillsets.
Types of online part-time jobs for students without investment:
- Part-time Teacher
There are a lot of websites that hire part-time tutors, teachers, lecturers, subject experts to help students to learn. Its time to make money by spreading the knowledge that you have gained. First, learn yourself, then make others learn. Join Chegg, which pays you $2 to $5 (Rs 140 to Rs350) to solve questions posted on a particular subject. Get hired by Vedantu, Byjus, Tutor.com, Cuemath, and other online tutoring sites who pay really well to become a subject matter expert and help students to learn on their way. Part-time tutoring is one of the online part-time jobs for students that goes without investment.
Average pay – $2 to $20 (Rs140 – Rs 1400) per hour.
2. Part-time Seller
Students who have selling skills or good networking. Becoming a part-time seller on e-commerce giants like Amazon, Flipkart is worth giving a try. Setting up a virtual shop of your own and selling through Etsy, or partnering and selling through apps like Meesho or Ajio have huge earning potential. Joining affiliate marketing programs of Amazon and other apps will grab you a good commission on each sale of a product or service. Use your selling skills to earn really well. The sky is the limit for those who know how to convert a sale or how to acquire customers. If you have a product in hand with huge demand, then go online and give the customers what they want, in return charge them a higher price. Selling jobs have huge potential in terns of earning.
Average pay – $5 – $30 (Rs 350 – Rs 2100) per sale.
3. Part-time Writer
Students may opt for writing jobs as one of the online part-time jobs for students without investment. Students may become part-time bloggers, article writers, content writers. Sites like Quora, Reddit, Medium, blogging websites pay you for writing quality content. The pen is mightier than the sword, or rather typing is powerful than words. Creating pictures in the minds of your readers is an art, and a writer nails that art. Your knowledge can fetch you money, just write and let others know your opinions.
Average pay – $5 – $25 (Rs 350 – Rs 1750) per article.
4. Gigs or Freelancing
Gigs or freelancing jobs are popular, aligned with the current trend of remote working. Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, Flexjobs, are famous gig or freelancing websites. If you are a great dancer singer, painter, seller, website developer, teacher, or have any knowledge which can be of any help to others and has demand in the market can be monetized. Selling anything you know will earn you money. Freelancing jobs help students earn while giving them the flexibility to work. The higher your customers rank you, the more bargaining power you get.
Average pay – $10 – $100 (Rs 700 – Rs 7000) per gig or job.
5. Paid part-time Internships
Internships are mandated in graduation or post-graduation courses. These Internships may be unpaid, but if students search for paid internships in portals like Internshala, My captain, Indeed, etc then they will get paid ones. Paid internships may be part-time or full-time jobs depending upon the employer. These expose students to corporate jobs and help them understand and imbibe corporate culture. In return, they are paid a nominal stipend or salary on monthly basis. Some paid internships are incentive-based, while some have fixed salaries for stipulated periods of time say 1 month, 2 months, or 6 months.
Average pay – $20 – $100 (Rs 1400 – Rs7000) per month paid internship.
6. Become a part-time Youtuber
Become a Youtuber as an alternative to online part-time jobs for students without investment. Start a channel of your own, and choose a niche to vlog. Your channel must have 40 hours of watch time to start its monetization process. If you decide to produce videos each day then yes, it is possible to get subscribers, and watch time. This would require half a day’s work. Display your passion, hobby, or your daily life and earn money.
Average pay – $1K – $20K per month (Rs 70,000 – Rs 140,000 per month).
7. Part-time event management jobs
Students may join event management jobs as online part-time jobs as it does not require any investment. Event management jobs have also gained popularity through online mode post covid. Attracting customers, spreading awareness about a brand, inviting customers to play games to win coupons or rewards are part of the show. Students may join them to earn income while gaining exposure to marketing tactics.
Average pay – $1 – $10 per day (Rs 70 – Rs 700 per day).
8. Play Games
Play games, and earn along. What more can you ask for? Earning money by playing games can be deceptive, yet there are some games that help you get real cash. Playing games is more like being paid for having fun. Treat playing games as part of the job. Some of the games that give real money are Paytm first games, Dream11, QuizWin, Ace2Three, Rummy Circle, Loco, PokerBaazi are some to name. Why wait to start playing games to earn money. However, remember it may not fetch you a huge amount, just a meager surplus which only can be redeemed only after a certain threshold is met.
Average – $1 – $5) Rs 70 – Rs 350) per game.
All these above part-time jobs will help students to earn quick and easy money that too without any investment from their end. The average pay is also mentioned that students earn through these part-time online jobs.
Benefits of online part-time jobs for students without investment
Online part-time jobs for students without investment come with a lot of benefits. When students are exposed to corporate jobs and practical learnings at a very early age then they are sure to have an upward learning curve. Let us understand how and when online part-time jobs for students without investment prove beneficial?
- Practical experience
Students who take up these online part-time jobs get exposed to a corporate job environment. In return get practical exposure and learning. Real corporate job, real boss, real tasks, deadlines, culture, gives students a taste of the real corporate world. Nothing is better than online part-time jobs for students without investment to test the waters before jumping into the corporate ocean.
- Value of money
Students get a chance to earn money through online part-time jobs without investment. After working for 4 to 5 hours a week, getting paid at the end of the month marks the start of their career. They get paid meagrely, hence the value of money is realized. They realize how difficult it is to earn money.
- Presentation skills
Students when they take up online part-time jobs without investment are bound to learn. Communication and presentation skill sets are the topmost amongst them. How to present their work, prepare ppts, talk among the people, present their thoughts to the managers or leads are skill sets to acquire.
- Learning curve
Students are deemed to have an upward learning curve. Applying learned theory practically in real scenarios is important. When students take up these online part-time jobs, they realize that practice differs from theoretical lectures. Brainstorming, logical thinking, negotiating, convincing, team bonding is learned only when you step into the corporate world.
- Financial support
Students with a weak financial background, or belonging to lower-income groups with very little financial assistance to proceed with further studies should go for online part-time jobs without investment. These online part-time jobs for students without investment are a blessing in disguise for such students who have a craving to continue higher studies and master in subject of their interest.
- Grab high paid jobs
Online part-time jobs for students without investment tend to grab high-paid jobs. They have 90% higher chances to crack any job interview or get campus placement. Real corporate exposure prepares students for full-time jobs and grabbing one becomes easier.
- Multitasking
An employee has to multitask to manage a number of errands and strike a balance between his work and personal life. Multitasking is an art that is learned with time and experience. Online part-time jobs for students without investment, helps the students to inculcate multitasking habits. Tight deadlines for the tasks assigned or presentations to be made within a span of minutes requires multitasking.
There are several jobs for students without investment, choose the one that fits you. Students should experience it so as to know how to create a passive source of income.
The unemployment rate in India is rising to 23%, mainly due to the gap between what they are taught in schools, colleges vs skills sets expected from them for corporate jobs. Thus, learning a corporate skillset is the need of the hour. Why wait, in our course to get you a very high-paid job and crack any interview.
Do you know any more such online jobs to earn quick money?